Welcome to PSG

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Il pleut.

Between (and during) rain showers* we planted succulents, Cordylines and Yuccas, installed the "pick up yer poop!" sign from Jess, wove a twig border around another bed, and cut some steps into the back slope - Matt will set them up with timber and bricks to make proper steps soon. Sage helped, Gary provided fasteners for the borders, and Jess and Sophia came by to supervise and try to steal my trowel :P

After lunch we went out again and our brick pile had multiplied - suddenly there were twice as many! I suspect Ron the Iron Maverick was the one who left the wavy bricks, and we were sorry to miss him.

Tomorrow: plant pickup at 10am, planting them shortly thereafter. Twig weaving, brick pondering, step architecture. It's all happening at P. Garden!

*We're up to about 70% of our seasonal total!

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