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Saturday, February 7, 2009

Another big dig

This morning I headed out to Berkeley with Matt, to return to Julia's house. Her garden is about to undergo a transformation, and the old plants don't fit the new plan. Lucky for me! Once again the car was loaded with Agapanthus, Cannas, a few Crocosmias and several big fat Amaryllis belladonna ("naked ladies") bulbs!

We chatted with Julia as we were leaving and she mentioned her gardener was not fond of bamboo, of which she had two containers of the clumping type (i.e. not the kind that runs all over and takes over your garden.) Matt is a big bamboo fan (no, not a large fan made of bamboo... oh never mind...) and when Julia offered us a container of bamboo we were really excited. It's the perfect big, cool, jungly, low maintenance thing that will screen the freeway from view (that's it on the left.) Thank you so much Julia!

Back at the garden, I spent and hour or so cleaning up the trash, cans, bottles and needle (just one) that the homeless guy left. I'd called SF Homeless Outreach Team earlier in the week, to let them know he was there and ask if he needed help. They went out to offer him shelter and potentially permanent housing. It appears he took them up on the offer, and now we can prune the loquat he was living under.

Later that day at the barn we dug up some Vinca major (periwinkle) to go with the Vinca minor that Leah gave us last week. And tomorrow, we'll plant it all!

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