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Friday, January 9, 2009

This weekend

Here's the plan for this weekend: we're both recovering from the 'flu so not sure how much will get done, but...

1. Move mulch to wall*
2. Put up poop bag dispenser (update: Gary's doing this!)
3. Sow poppy seeds - done!
4. Water anything that needs it - done!
5. Eradicate ivy!
6. Plant Mexican feather grass (Nassella) (3 clumps) and white Oxalis (5 clumps) donated by Leah - done! Thanks Leah!
7. Plant narcissus that are done flowering inside - done!

I was thinking of going out Saturday afternoon, and Sunday morning. Anyone care to join me?

* I am having a hard time making a dent in the compost pile, one shovel at a time, so I thought I'd call up the SF Tool Lending Library so I could borrow a wheelbarrow. Dammit, they are closed right now...

1 comment:

  1. I may join you Saturday afternoon, depending on work. Sunday morn is a possibility, too -- as long as I get my beauty sleep.

    Babs is recovering from bronchitis, but I'll see if I can bring Elisha for added muscle :)


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