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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Pruning decision

Jim found and planted the rescued Tibouchina urvilleana (Princess plant), which was the inspiration for the garden. However, this tibouchina is a scraggly lady! She leans at a precarious angle, and is much too leggy. With a bit of prudent pruning she could become a nice bushy specimen, though. At left is a pic of my chopping options: some people have told me to cut the red lines. Some say the yellow lines.

I certainly think I can get her standing up straight using the pole Jim inserted, and gradually pulling her into a more dignified stance!

Matt got me some pruning shears so I am going to perform the surgery at the weekend. Please keep her in your thoughts: she should sprout and look wonderful come Spring, but I can't help wondering if this will kill her...

1 comment:

  1. pawcaw thinks pruning on the red lines might be fatal, email on way


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