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Friday, January 30, 2009

Friday night plant attack

Today I zoomed over to the garden after work to meet "John from Craigslist" who came with his other friend John to give me a rooted yucca tree. "Oh and by the way," he says, "here are a couple extra branches you can root." I am thrilled with this - thrilled, I tell you! I am going to have to consider the placement of this fine specimen very carefully...

As John is about to leave he said "oh - you have a sago palm" and I replied "no... I wish!" and turn around and look: there's a dinky little sago palm in a pot with a note that says "I like sun!" sitting in the middle of the echium seed bed. I do the Scooby Doo face, and suddenly realize the plant orphanage has a new member! Funnily enough today I was just wishing for a sago palm but they are too expensive. Voila - someone read my mind! So the sago palm-let has come inside the house for an assessment before being planted. Much too cute and stealable to be left in the garden alone ;)

Anyway, I rudely rushed off to see my chiropractor appointment leaving John to fold his tarp on the side of the road (sorry!) and on the (out of my) way home from that, stopped by 14th x Kirkham to see if I could pick up some free canna roots that were being given away. Craigslist lesson #1; never go pick up something unless the owner has confirmed you can have it, and #1b; never go to get something that's been left on the side of the street of all and sundry to pick up. Naturally the canna roots where long gone, despite the ad still being up... *whine*

So all in all, I'm in yucca heaven with a sprinkling of sago joy. Canna schmanna!

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