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Monday, December 29, 2008

Sunny day (on the) real estate

Today I bought a rake and hose, watered, moved mulch, added compost, sprinkled Nasturtium and Malcolmia seeds about with gay abandon, watered some more, made a sort of entrance defined with 2 planks so people don't walk on the new beds, watered yet again, and planted the spider plants we were given, even though I think of them as houseplants, because Matt says they are making the house feel too Sanford and Son-esque due to being potted in plastic drink cups, glass jars etc. Oh yeah - they needed some water too!

Anyway, I spent about 4 hours doing all that stuff in a nice relaxed* way, the sun was lovely, and I had a little chit-chat with Gary. All tickety-boo, as they say.

A pine tree has arrived at the garden, and it's hiding behind the compost heap with a label saying "Pinus t." which I think might mean it's a Torrey Pine. It's tall, and in a pot - I suspect Sage and Barbara might have helped it get there. I don't think Caltrans is going to allow it to live on the garden though... maybe it can go and live at the barn? Dilemma. Hopefully S & B will weigh in before someone steals it!

*For me this = hammer + tongs.


  1. I noticed that pine. Wasn't us, unfortunately.
    Any work this weekend?

  2. Wow - mystery pine! Jim and Keri said they could give it a home on their deck. This weekend sounds good - how about Sunday morning? We might be out there Saturday afternoon too :)


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