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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Rubber arms

Today the recycling company came with a dump truck of organic compost for free (well I tipped the driver $20 but that was a bargain!) Steaming, oddly fragrant, and just what we need. Since he couldn't get the truck up to the top of the plot, the driver dumped at the bottom - about 2/3 of his 20 yard load!

Let's just say we're not going to run out any time soon...

Anyway, with a burst of caffeinated energy, Matt and I went to town removing mulch and applying compost to all the plants. Then Barbara showed up and planted crocuses and daffodils (all done!) and Annelle and Gary dropped in and set us up with their hose. In the next couple of hours we got ALL the plants fed and watered. Whew! Now grow, you ungrateful little buggers!

My arms feel like rubber. I could sleep for a week. But no - we've got to pack to go to Mendocino. *whine*...

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