Welcome to PSG

Monday, December 1, 2008


You've got questions. I've got answers. If you have more questions, let me know. I'll answer them.

Who owns the land?
Caltrans. I am gardening it under the Adopt-A-Highway program. via SF DPW and the SF Parks trust's Street Parks Program. The latter two entities worked with Caltrans to make this possible!

Who is doing all this gardening?
My name is Annie and I live down the street from the garden. I'm helped by my boyfriend Matt, and by lots of our neighbors. See the list of names of donors in the right column, as well as all the names bolded throughout the blog.

How long has this garden been here?
Since December 2008. Read more.

Does Caltrans pay for the tools and plants?
No. They have been helpful in getting the water set up though! Matt and I have paid for almost all the tools, hoses and about half the plants you'll see in the garden. Some plants we have grown from seed, or from cuttings, in our house. Others have been donated by generous friends. Yet more have been the result of hours of digging in the gardens of various Craigslisters with plants to give away, as far afield as Sacramento and Pleasanton. Sometimes we drive to Oakland at night to pick up bags of plants left by anonymous donors. And very occasionally, plants appear in the garden mysteriously on their own!

Why aren't you growing food crops?
Caltrans doesn't allow edible plants, because the land is contaminated. Think runoff from the freeway since 1972. Think rusty batteries and hypodermic needles. Think years and years of dog poop... now go wash your hands!

Can I bring my dog into the garden?
Yes! We love dogs. We have specifically left the top area wide open for dogs: this is one of a ver few Street Parks in the city that has allowed a space for dogs, and we have set up poop bag stations and a poop trash can which dog owners empty. I don't advise off-leash romping though: First it's unfenced, and next to the freeway. Second, many common plants are poisonous to dogs. Third, dog pee kills plants, and dog paws can crush plants.

Please pick up your dog's poop, and stay out of the borders. Enjoy the garden respectfully.

Can I do some gardening too?
Yes! We could use some help here! Keep an eye on the section at the top of the right column for our next volunteer day.