Welcome to PSG

Monday, December 1, 2008


Comments? Suggestions? Got a plant that needs a new home, or an urge to help out in the garden one weekend? We want to hear from you!

Email djxjs2000-garden at yahoo dot com.


  1. I want to thank you for all your work, what a lovely spot you have created on a CalTran off ramp!

    However, I want to express my concern about the planting of Equisetum, It is a highly invassive plant, nearly impossible to get rid of once established. I have battled it for 10 years in my own backyard.

    Thanks again, Catherine Fox

  2. Hi Catherine,

    You'll be happy to know that the Equisetum is being removed to a pot on our patio - it doesn't get enough water at P. Garden! :)



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